By Asger · 26/09/2022
With the partnership between Axid Studios I/S and NG Investments ApS beginning on the 1st of August, 2022, the partnership has allowed for the company to learn and grow.
“We are thankful for the opportunities this partnership has brought (...)” - Asger Heinricy (Chief Executive Officer)
At the current moment, the partnership finds itself unable to be sustainable, therefor effective the 24th of September 2022, NG Investments ApS shall no longer be an investor in Axid Studios I/S, and the partnership shall be terminated. This is a mutual agreement, which has been reached with the two parties.
The new ownership structure shall be the following: Jacob Heinricy Jensen: 99% Bettina Mia Heinricy: 1% Asger Heinricy represents: 100%
Furthermore, Jacob Heinricy Jensen has been appointed by the Board, as the new Board Chairman, with Asger Heinricy as the representative. Asger Heinricy and Holden Hoover will remain as Executives in the company.
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